Hyderabad city was yet to forget the horrific incident of 2007 twin blasts that shattered the lives of scores. Barely within a decade, another twin blasts in Dilsukhnagar area apparently sent shock waves among people. The police plunged into the action and enquired Riyaz Bhatkal, who is a suspect in recent twin blasts and also 2007 twin blasts. He's currently at Tihar jail.
According to sources, Riyaz Bhatkal planted the bomb at Gokul Chat, which killed nearly dozen people. Another Indian Mujahideen operative named Anique Shafiq Syed aka Khalid place the bomb at Laserium in Lumbini Park that killed 11 persons. But, the recent confession note of Anique stated that he was about to plant that bomb at Hussainsagar cruiser.
Everyday in the evening hours, the cruiser will apparently carry up to 50 to 100 persons on joy ride on Hussain Sagar. Anique's confession note mentioned that he got late to board the cruiser as he had wasted time in getting loose change to pay to the auto driver.
Since the next cruiser trip was several minutes away, he spent some time at laserium show. Later, he kept the bag (with explosives) in a seat next to him and came out of Lumbini Park. The bomb exploded and killed 11 persons. Had Anique boarded the cruiser, the casualties would have been more and it would have been difficult to identify or even trace out the dead bodies.
Another bomb, which was planted at foot over bridge in Dilsukhnagar area was, however, detected by the police and diffused by the bomb squad. The confession note also indicated that these three persons who planted the bombs even watched the television live coverage at their flat in Hyderabad and left for Pune the next day. These accused were caught by Maharashtra police in October 2008 and that's how the crime scene came to light.
(AW Phani)