Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) officials have sealed the famous Venkatadri theatre in Dilsukhnagar area of Hyderabad. It may be noted that it was near this theatre, the recent explosion took place. The reason for sealing the theatre is something else, anyway. GHMC officials have said that Venkatadri theatre had to pay Rs. 13 lakh towards taxes. Also, it was running a canteen, which had no license, added officials. They have also said that even after giving notices some two days ago, the theatre management didn't not respond. Since they had no other option, they sealed the theatre today, they said.
It may be noted that Venkatadri theatre was once the most happening cinema hall in twin cities. All major cinemas used to get released and ran for over 100 days. One amongst such movies is Chiranjeevi's Gang Leader cinema. This theatre, which used to be packed with people, apparently been witnessing losses due to renovated theatres and multiplexes.
(AW Phani)