The state government has extended the deadline linking Aadhaar card to LPG gas cylinder by another month. The new extended deadline is April 15. Notably, this is the second time that the deadline got extended. Earlier, it was February 15, which was later postponed to March 15 as the number of people who need to be enrolled for Aadhaar was still high. Although Kiran sarkar has been coming under criticism from common public over linkage of domestic gas to Aadhaar card (unique identification number), the current decision of relaxing the deadline by another month came in as a relief to the people who have been getting panic over the approaching deadline and incomplete process.
On the other hand, online slot booking for Aaadhaar is not available for AP on the official website of unique identification number. Nonetheless, Andhra Pradesh Government introduced it on Mee Seva portals. However, only who has an LPG gas connection on his name can book online slot for Aaadhaar. All in all, Aaadhaar is making common public run from pillar to post. Let us wait and watch whether everyone will get enrolled by the new deadline.
(AW Phani)