Actor Kavitha's daughter's marriage case took a new twist with Madhuri (Kavitha's daughter) alleging that the driver married her with coerce. It may be noted that the driver named Raju married Madhuri two days ago at Peddapalli village of Karimnagar district following which actress Kavitha filed a complaint with Punjagutta police in Hyderabad.
After the police arrested Raju, Madhuri confessed to the media that he threatened her to marry her. She even threw light at the way the driver allegedly threatened her with dire consequences in case she doesn't submit to his demand. Further, she said Raju allegedly demanded Rs. 15 lakhs from her and when she denied, he forcefully married her so that he can get the money he want. While media reports earlier suspected a love episode between Madhuri and this driver, Kavitha ruled out any such affection between the duo.
All in all, the high love drama came to an end and Madhuri looked quite relaxed.
(AW Phani)