The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which has sought information on KVP Ramachadra Rao in connection with illegal assets case, has today served summons on him. The CBI has directed KVP to appear before CBI sleuths on March 23 (Saturday) at 10 am. As Andhra Wishesh speculated earlier, CBI has finally geared up to grill KVP. It has to be mentioned here that AW gave a detailed article on Thursday whether CBI is getting ready for grilling KVP.
Since KVP was a close associate of YS Rajashekara Reddy and since he held key positions like adviser during YSR's regime, CBI is apparently looking in the angle whether YSR got any alleged benefits from KVP and vice-versa. Whether CBI will take KVP into its custody or not will be known tomorrow or may be in a couple of days as it's known that Jagan was taken into custody after he got grilled for three days.
(AW Phani)