The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which is probing disproportionate assets case of Jaganmohan Reddy, has geared up to file yet another charge sheet in this case. In two trunk boxes, the CBI has transferred reportedly the fifth additional chargesheet from Dilkusha Guest House of Hyderabad to CBI special court, which is trying Jaganmohan Reddy's illegal assets case.
In the charge sheet, as reported by our sources, the CBI has mentioned about the investments of Dalmia Cements in Jagati Publications, which is owned by YS Jaganmohan Reddy. The CBI has apparently mentioned that Dalmia Cements got benefits from the then YSR Government and as a token of the same, it has invested in Dalmia Cements.
Andhra Wishesh will give more updates on this. Visit this space soon.
(AW Phani)