BJP state president Kishan Reddy has said that the entire country was wishing Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi to become the prime minister of our country. He has also said that it was the need of the hour to oppose MIM political party. Also, he stressed the need for corruption free and alternative system. Mr Kishan Reddy who was in Vishakapatnam has spoken to the media this evening.
Senior leader of BJP, Venkaiah Naidu was also present with Kishan Reddy. Addressing the media, Mr Venkaiah Naidu has said that if BJP led NDA comes to power in 2014, it would uproot terrorism and remove foreign direct investment in retail sector. Further he said that reservations based on religions would be nullified.
With people apparently finding fault with Congress at the centre over many issues including Aadhaar linkage to subsidized gas, foreign direct investment, electricity charges and petrol charges hike, can they really choose NDA over UPA, questioned the observers who have also said that BJP should go into public with other issues rather than routine statements.
(AW Phani)