A few ministers including Jana Reddy and Vatti Vasanth Kumar have met the union home minister Sabitha Indra Reddy at her residence this morning. It was reported that the ministers appealed her to change her resignation decision. Along with the minister Director General of Police, Dinesh Reddy was also present over there. It is known that Sabitha Indra Reddy decided to step down from her post as CBI has filed chargesheet against her.
Also, it has to be mentioned here that opposition parties have been exerting pressure on the government demanding the resignation of home minister Sabitha Indra Reddy. Earlier, CBI arrested minister Mopidevi in connection with the same case and he then immediately tendered his resignation, which was accepted by chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy. The observers said that Kiran might owe an explanation to the opposition parties and the people at large if he doesn't accept the resignation of Sabitha Indra Reddy.
(AW Phani)