Actress Anjali who went underground apparently to escape the alleged torture by some of her close aides has finally resurfaced. If buzz is to be believed, Anjali telephoned her mother in Andhra and told her that she was safe. Most probably she's going to come before the media at any point of time and unveil further more details pertaining to her troubled life. On the other hand, the aunty who was alleged to have milked money from Anjali has publicly stated that she has rights in the earnings of Anjali as she was responsible in grooming Anjali as an actress. In an interview to a news channel, Anjali's aunt Bharathi has said that whatever Anjali earns would be divided into three parts. While one part will be given to Anjali, one each would be shared by Anjali's mother and herself.
Legal experts said that there must be no physical agreement about this share of income. Even if such an agreement, it would be null and void in the court of law for the following reasons:
Anjali's close Tamil director who also acted as guardian to Anjali said Anjali has some problems (anyone having mental problems will not be competent to agreement and therefore it will be null and void)
Anjali was said to be minor when she was taken to Chennai. Therefore, any agreement with minor is void
Anjali is blood relative of Bharathi, who is claiming share of income from Anjali. Agreements between relatives are null and void
Anjali apparently told Tamil media that she was allegedly forced to enter into film industry. Her brother also said the same to the media. Under coercion, any agreement that is one sided will automatically stand null and void
So, if Anjali doesn't give any money to her aunty, at the max her aunt might send her across legal notices but the matter will not stand in the court. Let us wait and watch what step Anjali is going to take.
(AW Phani)