RTC has arranged special buses to Badhrachalam in the wake of Sreeramanavami. Seetharama Kalyanam is scheduled to be celebrated with much pomp and geity. To ensure that devotees face no inconvenience in reaching Badhrachalam, RTC has inducted special buses into its regular fleet. These buses would leave for Badhrachalam from MGBS and JBS.
While the regular bus fare is Rs. 294 for luxury, it will be Rs. 440 (each ticket) in these three days as they are special services, said RTC officials. It has to be mentioned here that Sreerama Pattabhishekam would be conducted on Saturday and Seetarama Kalyanam on Friday.
Notably, Sreeramanavami will be celebrated with much pomp and geity in Shirdi and other major pilgrimage centres too.
(AW Phani)