Railway Minister P.K.Bansal and Law Minister Aswani Kumar were removed from the Cabinet. Afterwards they met the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to tender their resignations.
Congress Party had to take a harsh decision in the wake of coming elections. Congress party does not want to take any chances now. After a victory in the State of Karnataka, Congress Party is morally boosted and the party workers spirits are in recharged. But a small mistake at this time may pull the scale towards other side. Knowing it pretty well, AICC President took a stern decision to sack the Ministers who are facing corruption charges- but of course save Prime Ministers.
The Government had to bow to the demands of the opposition for the resignations of these two Ministers. Budget sesstion in Parliament and also Rajya Sabha were continuously disrupted because of the allegations towards these two Ministers.
AICC President Sonia Gandhi and Vice President Rahul Gandhi were furious on those Ministers for creating a face losing situation for the Party.
P.K.Bansal’s nephew Vijay Sangla was caught with a bribe of Rs.90 Lakhs received as an advance out of Rs.10 Crores for giving a Railway Board Membership to Mahesh Kumar.
Aswani Kumar interfered in the affairs of CBI and got some changes made in the report CBI submitted to the Supreme Court on Coal Block allotments scam.
BJP leaders commented on the removal of the Ministers that it is done after a lapse of so much of valuable time. But it is doubtful that the problem of Congress Party will end with the sacrifice of these two Ministers. Incase Aswani Kumar tried to cover up the scam of Coal Block allotment, who is the beneficiary? Fingers will be pointed towards the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as he was incharge of the allotment of the coal blocks.