Manchu Manoj met with an accident on Sunday night is wounded but is safe after medical treatment. Manoj's car was going last night on outer ring road from Himayatsagar to Gachibowli in Hyderabad. The stray cattle died on the road was hit by the car and toppled. As the safety ballons opened in the car instantly he could avoid a major catastrophe.
Car driver Naresh and Manoj could get away with minor injuries. He was shifted to Appolo by police in another vehicle. After first aid doctors found that right elbow and face was wounded.
His father Mohan Babu and other family members reached hospital on getting the news. For the relief of everyone Manoj escaped danger and all he needs is only a few days’ rest as doctors said.
Manchu Vishnu, Manoj and Lakshmi can be seen in the photo taking Manoj home after medical treatment.