Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and Andhra Pradesh CM Chandrababu Naidu will come fast-to-fast for the first time on Wednesday at Raj Bhavan as joint Governor ESL Narasimhan is hosting a iftar party. Though Governor Narasimhan has sent invitation for both the CMs, an official confirmation is pending about their attendance.
The two CMs have been in logger heads and verbally attacked each other in every issue in connection with the Andhra Pradesh bifurcation matter. As per the protocol, Chief Minister need to be present at the venue before the arrival of Governor and elaborate arrangements are being made for the party. Not only chief ministers, all the cabinet members of both the states will attending the high profile dinner party.
Later, this event, KCR and Naidu will have to face each other again at Raj Bhavan on August 15th. Generally a state Governor organises 'At Home' event before Independence Day every year and the Raj Bhavan officials say that there won't be any separate events as Hyderabad is legally the joint capital of the states. Governor Narasimhan in past said that he would try to make peace between the warring CMs but till date he did not intervene in any issue despite both the governments have complained against each other.
We have to see if KCR and Naidu attend the event or skip coming up with some excuses.
(AW: Vamshi)