Andhra Pradesh government which has announced that it would distribute iPads to farmers and make them avail technology in agriculture, is expected to cost around Rs 2,000 crores. However, the state is already with a budget deficit of Rs 15,000 crores and this scheme seriously looks like a huge burden for it.
Now the government is looking to buy Aakash tablets which costs around Rs 1,100 but it will be available for Rs 2,300 in the market. There are approximately 50 lakh farmers in AP and an iPad to every farmer will definitely burn the pocket of AP. Meanwhile, Agriculture minister P. Pulla Rao has said that the government did not take any decision on it but the scheme is under consideration. “iPad scheme is still in the initial stages but basically, farmers should definitely make use of latest technology in agriculture. The government is yet to take a decision on it, a healthy discussion on this should also happen in the cabinet and then it should get approval. However we are optimistic about this scheme,” added Pulla Rao.
Apart from this the Andhra Pradesh government is also planning to allot separate budget for agriculture field and few others scheme that benefit it are in consideration. Overall, AP government is seriously doing something for the farmers welfare.
(AW: Vamshi)