The Hyderabad High Court is upset and expressed its anger over Telangana government's scheme "Financial Assistance to Students of Telangana" which is shortly called as 'FAST.' The TRS government brought in FAST G.O. and as per it, families of students who settled in Telangana state away before 1956 will have the privilege to fees reimbursement.
Andhra Pradesh Congress leaders Dokka Manikyavaraprasad Rao and Pithani Satyanarayana approached the High Court over this decision. Also the High Court has made serious remarks that the country's integrity will get hurt with this kind of G.O.s' and never such initiatives should be introduced or appreciated. The apex court of state also opined that 'FAST' is completely against Indian constitution and directed to file a counter within six week with necessary changes in the G.O.
This is a huge setback for the TRS government. All the oppositions in Telangana have opposed 'FAST' but despite this, the government issued an G.O. Finally the High Court had to intervene in this issue.
(AW: Vamshi)