Telangana Telugu Desam party is seriously hit by the ruling Telangana Rashtra Samithi party. Over the past couple of months, there are rumors in TDP that at least five MLAs will join TRS and the first among the five is, Maheshwaram MLA Teegala Krishna Reddy. TDP chief and AP CM Chandrababu Naidu called upon Teegala this morning and discussed about the current political scenario. However, after the meeting, Teegala asserted that he would take a decision based on the opinion of his supporters.
Last week, there are strong rumors that senior leader Errabelli Dayakar Rao would join TRS but he has clarified that he would continue in TDP. More in this regards, yesterday Sanathnagar MLA Talasani Srinivas Yadav met KCR at his camp office. After the meeting Talasani said he met KCR to invite him for his daughter wedding and it has no political significance. Nevertheless, Talasani is the only TDP leader to meet KCR quite constantly and neither did Talasani denied joining TRS, he just maintained silence on this.
This migration in Telangana TDP is bringing new headaches to Chandrababu. He has been calling leaders and talking to them personally but seems like Telugu Thammullu [TDP brothers] are in no mood to listen to Chandrababu. Let's wait and see how many will join TRS on Dussehra day.
(AW: Vamshi)