The Union government will be revealing black money account holders to the Supreme Court of India today and Congress camp is quite worried as Finance Minister Arun Jaitley recently said, a former Congressmen is part of the list. As per the reports, the Centre will be disclosing three names and more names will be coming out as and when the prosecution in the case begins. However, the account holders are not political personalities and the names will be part of the affidavit, the government will file.
On the other hand, the Congress party is in tense mode and is closely observing the situation. It accused the NDA government of playing 'blackmail politics' in the name of black money and former Finance minister Chidambaram said, Congress party will not be embarrassed, in fact the individual will be embarrassed once his or her name is revealed.
Based on a petition by top most lawyer Ram Jethmalani, the Supreme Court has created special committee to look after the issue. The UPA government was under spotlight over the 'black money' issue while the BJP cashed it before elections and promised to bring back the money within the first 100 days of its government.
(AW: Vamshi)