The Kerala Police have denied permission to the 'Kiss of Love' event which is slated on Marine Drive on November 2nd in Kochi. 'Kiss of Love' is against rising instances of moral policing which was called by a group of defiant youths. The police denied permission for this citing law and order problems while the women commission in the state too has objected this event but said the rising instances of moral policing needed to be checked constantly.
A attack by a mob of Yuva Morcha activists alleging immoral activities inside Downtown Cafe at Kozhikode led to this 'Kiss of Love' protest. The Kiss of Love page on Facebook was created on October 24 with a motto 'Freedom to Kiss'. Till Wednesday evening 4,250 Facebook users have expressed their desire to attend the event on Sunday evening.
Despite the police denial, the organisers said the event is very much on.
(AW: Vamshi)