Andhra Pradesh government has sought around Rs 7,500 crore financial help from the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for reconstruction of North Andhra Pradesh, which it was destroyed badly by Hudhud Cyclone recently. Meanwhile, the World Bank’s India director Omno Rahl and ADB’s India director Theresakho have meet with chief secretary IYR Krishna Rao at the Secretariat.
Recently, AP Government has released a statement that World Bank and the Asian Development Bank officials are making a mission to estimate the damages caused by the Hudhud Cyclone and they want to provide assistance for rehabilitation and construction of infrastructures in North Andhra Pradesh.
According to sources, AP Government looked for Rs 1,200 crore for energy, Rs 1,970 crore for panchayat raj, Rs 1,080 crore for roads & buildings, Rs 1,000 crore for urban development, Rs 300 crore for disaster management departments, Rs 250 crore for irrigation, Rs 200 crore for forest, and Rs 100 crore for rural water schemes.
- Simha Raju