India Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to visit Jammu and Kashmir on Monday to address in some election rallies in Sri Nagar ahead of the third phase of Assembly elections. Army Chief General Dalbir Singh Suhag will visit Srinagar to attend send-off ceremony for the victims who were among killed in a series of terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir on Friday.
According to sources, a civilian, nine soldiers and three policemen were killed in terror attacks on Friday morning, which cause the heaviest loss for security forces in the Kashmir in past six years. Meanwhile, six terrorists has been shot dead. Army officials released a statement that they have found six AK rifles with 55 magazines, two shotguns, 2 Night Vision Binoculars, 4 Radio Sets, 32 unused Grenades, one Medical Kit and a large quantity of miscellaneous warlike stores from the dead terrorists.
Modi was schedule to campaign for the candidates in the third phase of Jammu and Kashmir elections, where he is likely to address in two rallies in Srinagar and Raya Morh in Samba border district on December 8.
- Simha Raju