Telangana chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has written to the Railway department, asking them to change the name of Andhra Pradesh Superfast Express name that runs from Hyderabad to New Delhi. A while back, few leaders demanded the same but the government did not endorse it and speaking for the first time on this topic, KCR personally wrote to Railways department to reconsider the name of AP Express. Further he mentioned that AP Express should renamed as Telangana Superfast Express.
However, a passenger express already operates from Secunderabad to Sirpur Kagaznagar with name Telangana Express and so Telangana CM has asked the officials to name this train as Komaram Bheem Express. This would also felicitate the Adilabad tribal leader Komaram Bheem.
On the other hand, Telangana transport minister Mahendra Reddy met Union transport minister Nitin Gadkari for the division of Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation [APSRTC].