Telangana Chief Minister KCR said that, there are 15 lakh bogus voters in Hyderabad and their names would be deleted from the voters list by linking voter card with Aadhar cards.
Speaking on the issue, KCR said that, the number of voters should not exceed 66% of the total population, as per the Election Commission of India (ECI), but in Hyderabad, the figure is higher. Regarding this, the Chief electoral officer Bhanwar Lal met CM at the camp office and explained about the procedure of linking Voter cards with the Aadhar cards.
Also read: No Aadhar - No Marriage
“As delimitation of GHMC wards has already taken into consideration, the bogus voters should also be removed by linking the Aadhar with Voter ID cards,” CM opined and directed the officials to give sufficient time to comply. The voters’ names who fail to provide information will be deleted later.
Why is the government linking voter card with Aadhar and what are the consequences?
“There are 24 assembly segments in Hyderabad out of the total 119 segments in Telangana. So the bogus voters in the city may influence the fortunes of political parties in the elections, which is not good for democracy”, KCR said.
Andhrawishesh view
This seems a right initiative by the Telangana government at the right time. Due to this linking, the actual number of voters will be out, which will therefore show a good influence on the political leaders.
By Phani