The preacher televangalist Zakir Naik who is being alleged for coercing and forcing people to convert to islam and for joining the ISIS has now claimed that he is an Indian Muslim and praises Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The terror monger is being investigated by agencies for the alleged illegal activities.
In an interview, Zakir Naik praised the Prime Minister Narendra Modi for reaching out to Muslim countries. The Mumbai-based preacher called terror outfit Islamic State or ISIS ‘un-Islamic’ and said he is proud to be an Indian Muslim.
“Modi is the only prime minister of India who has visited so many Muslim countries in just two years. This will strengthen relations between India and other Muslim countries. It will strengthen relationship of Hindus and Muslims too. If his intention is to maintain unity between Hindus and Muslims and between India and other Muslim countries, I am totally for him,” Naik said
“Jihad means to strive and struggle to make the society better. It also stands for self-defence. But the Indian media has hyped jihad. Besides non-Muslims, it is misunderstood even by Muslims. IS is killing innocent people which, according to the Quran, is a sin against humanity. I call them anti-Islam state. They have given a wrong meaning to Islam. If someone killed Muslims in Gujarat that does not justify killing innocent Hindus in Mumbai,” Naik said.
“I have never forced anybody to embrace Islam. Thousands of people have embraced Islam after hearing my speeches but God has given them guidance. If someone wants to come in the religion of peace, I cannot stop him. Under Article 25 of the Indian Constitution, one has the right to practice and propagate one’s religion,” said the Islamic scholar. Zakir Naik said ”I am very happy and proud to be an Indian and an Indian Muslim.”
By Premji