In a tragic incident, three students died on spot when a coal-laden truck crushed them when they were travelling on a bike on Baliapur-Govindpur Hirak road, around 20 km away from the district headquarters Dhanbad on Monday.
Deputy Superintendent of police Sindri range Vikas Kumar Pandey said that "all three students identified as Sachin Das, Rohit Yadav and Shivam were going on a bike to Govindpur at around 6.30 pm when their two-wheeler collided head-on with a truck coming from opposite side."
"All of them died on the spot and the body of one student was dragged by the truck for some 30 metres away", the DSP said.
The bike caught fire as soon as it hit the truck. The police official said "the truck driver fled with vehicle after the incident."
Villagers protested by blocking roads and destroyed the wind screens of coal-laden trucks and other vehicles that were moving at that time.
The victims were studying class 12 at DAV Sindri school.
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