Balakrishna Threatens his Fans in Hindupur: Nandamuri Balakrishna is known for his arrogant behavior and he did not change it despite of media bringing a dent for his stature. The actor turned politician is campaigning in Hindupur before the elections along with his wife Vasundhara Devi. One more video of Balakrishna is now viral across the internet in which Balakrishna has been spotted abusing and threatening his fans. Balakrishna participated in a roadshow in Hindupur Assembly segment and one of his fans raised slogans about the majority of Balayya.
The actor lost his cool and in a rough tone threatened him with his punch dialogues which reminded as if they were warnings given to the villain in his films. "I will see you, will cut your throat and I will finish you," said Balayya. The video has been recorded and placed over social media which went viral all over. What's so surprising is that Balakrishna's wife Vasundhara Devi was present when the incident took place and she was spotted enjoying the fun. The elections in AP are scheduled for April 11th and the results will be out on May 23rd.
(Video Source: Sakshi TV)