Marking the name of Hyderabad in golden letters in the history yet another time, Siliconandhra has organized the third international Kuchipudi Dance Convention. The mega event was held at the famous Balayogi stadium in the city on Tuesday. Over 5000 Kuchipudi dangers perform the concert to enter the prestigious Guinness Book of World Records, and they were successful in their attempt.
Yes, all the participants' names were entered into Guinness Book of World Records. The announcement regarding the same was made by Mr Praveen Patel, Guinness Records representative. Inaugurated by union minister Purandareshwari, the dance convention received international attention. The Kuchipudi dancers performed Brahmanjali and Dasavatara Sabdam and created this new record. It is known that Kuchipudi is the traditional dance of Andhra Pradesh and one of the most sought after traditional dances across the globe.
(AW Phani)