Hyderabad's Rajiv Gandhi International Airport [RGIA] has begun a new life by stepping into social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The officials of the Hyderabad Airport have confirmed entering to social media and added that the main aim behind this to bring its passengers and customers updated information on new services and latest developments at the airport.
Passengers can now get connected and have access to any information on special offerings, retail options, food and beverages and duty-free shopping. The Chief Executive Officer of GMR Hyderabad International Airport Limited said in a press release that, “We intend to provide an opportunity for better communication with our passengers and customers. This is yet another initiative of RGIA and based on the inputs received, we believe that we can further improve the passenger experience.”
The Facebook page was made public on Sunday however, we can see that the page is yet to a clearance from the social networking site. The process may be under progress, now go 'LIKE' the Hyderabad Airport page, if you are a Hyderabadi.
(AW: Vamshi)