Tamil Nadu known as Indian Detroit for automobile industries has already bagged the creamy chunk of global auto giants. Most of them from Japan, France, Germany and Korea have already set up their shop floors in the vast sprawling industrial corridors that engulf Chennai. Recently the state government received a thumps up from more ventures that are new.
In addition, as per the records of the state Industries minister B Thangamani, other Rs 30,000 Cr proposals have been given green signal. That simply implies that the state will receive more investments and more jobs for the youth. This would aid the government’s Vision 2023 proposal unleashed by the Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa. An ambitious proposal but the entire state machinery is gearing up to make the CM’s dream a reality, as they know that in it lies their development.
Earlier this week, addressing the FICCI National Executive Meeting at Chennai, Mr Thangamani said, the State government will be soon announcing sectoral policies for thrust sectors, which includes automobiles and auto components, biotechnology, and the aerospace industry. “These policies will make the State an ideal platform for manufacturing,” added the Minister.
The Tamil Nadu Finance Minister O Panneerselvam also present on the occasion urged FICCI to be a partner in realising Vision 2023 and help make Tamil Nadu numero uno among Indian states.
FICCI president R V Kanoria and vice-president Naina Lal Kidwai vowed to partner with the State in helping realise its dream. Secretary General of FICCI, Rajiv Kumar, also delivered a presentation Empowering India - Redesigning G2B Relations Tamil Nadu. (With inputs from internet- AW AarKay)
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