Poonam Pandey was in Hyderabad on Sunday to remind Telugu audiences that her film Nasha is going to release soon. On 26th July, whether you like her or not, it's hard to ignore her.
The film is a story of passion between a teenager and a woman in her late twenties. Young Actor Shivam will be seen for the first time in this movie. With all the hype Poonam created for the movie, no one is talking about the boy. A boy no more, that's what the film will show.
Political parties in Mumbai and Delhi have already created protests against the content in the posters. The film is very much a part of the erotic genre. As Poonam insists, there are worse looking posters plastered all over the said cities.
Nasha was directed by Amit Saxena, whose is also known for the Bipasha and John Abraham starring Jism. Poonam Pandey, meanwhile, has expressed that she is open to working in Tollywood.
(AW: Sruthi)