Mohan Babu’s daughter Lakshmi Manchu has been carrying his legacy in acting along with Manchu Vishnu and Manchu Manoj in Tollywood. She has been very selective with her movies and she opts out to stay away from routine flicks. Her performance in the movies Anaganaga O Dheerudu and Uh Kodathara Ulikkipadathara has been well appreciated. She is currently shooting for her latest movie Dongaata in the direction of debutant Vamsee Krishna and the shoot of the movie is in final stages. The latest news is that Lakshmi Manchu has been elected as the Vice President of Movie Artist Association.
Lakshmi has been elected unanimously without election and she has been announced as the new Vice President for MAA yesterday. The elections for the President position of Movie Artists Association will happen on March 29th in AP Film Chamber, Hyderabad. There were strong rumors that Lakshmi’s brother Vishnu will contest for the President of MAA however he has announced that he will support Veteran actor Rajendra Prasad who is in the race for the President. Senior actress Jayasudha too is competing with Rajendra Prasad for the President’s role in MAA.