The last chief minister of united Andhra Pradesh Kiran Kumar Reddy was nowhere to be seen post the election results. Though gossips came out that he would be taking up BJP flag soon, Kiran, himself did not claim the news and remained silent. Sources say Kiran has made up his mind to return to politics after two or three years and is currently taking ample of rest.
BJP MLA Kishan Reddy met Kiran at his residence yesterday which raised the eyebrows among the political circles. When Kishan asked about Kiran's future plan, he reportedly said that he wants more time to think about the politics and probably it would take two or three years of time.
Interestingly, Kiran made few statements which are being discussed among the political analysts and it is said Kiran is looking at the political equations of all the major parties in the AP state and depending upon the favorable condition, he is expected to join that particular party. “I have to check Congress party's progress in the next couple of years, cases against Jagan and TDP's governance, then would take a decision on political future,” said Kiran to Kishan. However, Kiran may reunite with Congress party as it gave him all the support required when he take charge as CM of AP.
Kiran also added that, “I reported earlier that bifurcation will lead to water and power problems, now my arguments are turning reality. Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh is completely a wrong decision.” Further he opined that it is not an easy task for Telangana and AP governments to fulfill their election promises.
(AW: Vamshi)