The last chief minister of united Andhra Pradesh Kiran Kumar Reddy has fixed his date to join Bharatiya Janata Party and as per the most reliable sources, Kiran will step into BJP in August first week. Ex-CM Kiran has been out of limelight after the humiliating defeat in elections and made a shot announcement that he would be taking two or three years gap.
However, Kiran is heard to be changed his mind and getting ready to bounce back in politics. Meanwhile, AP BJP leaders were informed about Kiran's entry and they are seriously eyeing to strengthen the party in Rayalaseema region. With Kiran's arrival, one community might look up to BJP and rest of the positives will be taken account.
It will be interesting to see after Kiran joining BJP as their ally TDP headed by Chandrababu Naidu is now the chief minister of divided Andhra Pradesh. During the discussion of Andhra Pradesh reorganization bill in Assembly, Kiran and Chandrababu have been at loggerheads and will they turn friends now is something to be looked at.
(AW: Vamshi)