School Bags Turning a Huge Threat for Spine Among Kids:- Heavy school bags are turning out to be a serious threat for children. Carrying such huge weight will have a huge impact on the spine of the children. As per the survey and a report, children should carry backpacks which is equal to the 10 percent of their body weight. All those who use trolleys can carry 20 percent of their body weight. The survey has been published as per the Journal of Applied Ergonomics. In Spain, more than 40 percent of children use backpacks on wheeled trolleys.
A kinematic analysis of the children (posture of the trunk and lower limbs) has been conducted and they walked freely as they carried no weight. All those who carried school bags with excessive weight suffered from spine problems. On the whole, the study clearly indicates that the children should not carry schoolbags beyond 10 percent of their body weight. For school backpack trolley, they can carry bags weighing 20 percent of their body weight.