(Image source from: India.com)
Three Simple Asanas to get rid of Lower Body Pain:- Lower body or back pain in the body will cause several problems and will leave the human body in huge stress. There are some asanas that can help you feel better from lower body pain. These helps you in strengthening the lower body. They avoid constipation and bloating. It will also benefit from poor sleep and restless leg syndrome. Here are some special yoga asanas that can help you get rid of lower body pain:
For Calf pain and Knee pain:
Take a rolled blanket and place it next to the wall and stand facing the wall. Put the right heel on the blanket and the right toe on the wall and just push. Keep your body straight and pull your hips. Always try moving close to the wall and repeat the left leg.
For Leg pain and Constipation:
Take the position of Vajrasana and lift your hips. Place them on the rolled blanket on your calves. Sit again. Try to stay in the position for a while and this would reduce the leg pain.
For back pain:
Lie down flat on your back. Fold both the legs and bring the ankles close to the hips. Keep the blanket between the thighs and squeeze. Put your hands on the feet and lift your hips. Always stay in the position for few seconds and return back to the starting position.