How To Lose Your Belly Fat:- The coronavirus pandemic brought life to a standstill and everyone is restricted to their homes. Losing weight is now the toughest task for everyone as it needs a lot of effort. Losing the fat in the belly will be much more difficult. It is quite important to drink a lot of water. Another best way to reduce the belly is by drinking Heera and ajwain water. It is advised to soak them in the night and drink the water in the morning of the next day. Here are some of the tips to lose your belly fat:
Always keep your carbohydrates in check. Start your day with almonds and walnuts. Opt for a green tea and consume a half spoon of ghee before having green tea.
Berries, nuts, pears, papaya, yogurt and avocados will help you to lower the cortisol levels in your body.
Eggs will keep you full for a long time. Nuts are quite helpful in reducing the belly fat. They have anti-inflammation properties.
Yoghurt also helps to reduce the belly fat. It helps in the growth of good bacteria and it reduces bloating.
All the citrus fruits will help you to increase your metabolism. They are rich in Vitamin C which makes your skin better.