Criminal activity peaks during preceding maturity 16 November 2013
Mentioned in the Science News. Org, by Laura Sanders, that brain activity may help explain why crime peaks during teen years. Further known, from research presented during November 10 at the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting recommends that teenagers brains...
Keywords: Criminal activity peaks in teenagers, Criminal activity peaks in teenagers, Weill Cornell Medical College, crime during adolescence
Read MoreJunk Food can hasten puberty: Studies 02 November 2012
Puberty is a hard time for girls with several hormonal changes, emotional imbalances. The phenomenon which earlier used to happen generally at 12- 13 years earlier has now dropped to as low as 6 or 7 years in many cases....
Keywords: chemical signals, puberty, chemical signals, chemical signals
Read MoreTeenagers should keep away from smartphones 03 February 2015
The researchers from University of Basel in Switzerland reported that teenagers spend more time on their smartphone, especially during nights which may affect their sleep and noticed an increase risk of depressive symptoms. The study was performed observing over 300...
Keywords: University of Basel, poor sleep in teens, sleep disorders of teenagers, Teenagers
Read MoreYouth Tips... 14 December 2012
Youth Tip: Teenage and adolescence are two very important stages in your lives. Several hormones are produced in the body by this time. Some help you to grow, and mature while some play "harm"ones. Here is a simple tip to ...
Keywords: adolescence, Youth, , Youth
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