Alcohol drinking

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  • Mild drinking can lower chronic pain, Alcoholic drink can lower disability in chronic pain patients, mild drinking can cut disability in chronic pain patients, Alcohol drinking

    Mild drinking can cut disability in chronic pain patients 22 July 2015

    Do you know the fact that alcohol consumption benefits chronic pain patients? It was revealed by the researchers from University of Aberdeen in Scotland.  The study was carried out on 2, 239 with chronic widespread pain, the key feature of...

    Keywords: Mild drinking can cut disability in chronic pain patients, Alcohol consumption can lower chronic pain, Alcoholic drink can lower disability in chronic pain patients, alcohol drinking benefits

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    excessive drinking, Alcohol drinking, alcohol pushing teenagers to risky sex, Alcohol drinking

    Alcohol pushing teenagers to risky sex 05 January 2012

    Teenagers' drinking habits are making them indulge in sex beyond their desire, causing an epidemic of risky sex, doctors in Britain have warned. According to the Royal College of Physicians, many youngsters admit going "further than intended" once they are...

    Keywords: excessive drinking, Sex and Relationship, Drinking before sex, excessive drinking

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