Another jupiter

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  • super jupiter, big jupiter, new planet super jupiter discovered, Another jupiter

    New planet: Super-Jupiter discovered 21 November 2012

    Astronomers at the University of Toronto discovered a new planet named super-Jupiter, which happens to be 13 times bigger than Jupiter, which has been considered as biggest planet in the solar system. The astronomers identified that this planet was orbitting...

    Keywords: super jupiter, super jupiter, telescope super jupiter, exoworld

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    another jupiter, exoworld, new planet super jupiter discovered, Another jupiter

    New planet: Super-Jupiter discovered 11 January 2013

    Astronomers at the University of Toronto discovered a new planet named super-Jupiter, which happens to be 13 times bigger than Jupiter, which has been considered as biggest planet in the solar system. The astronomers identified that this planet was orbitting...

    Keywords: new planet found, another jupiter, another jupiter, big jupiter

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