Ap state bifurcation bill

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  • West Bengal Chief Minister Mamta Benarjee, UPA Government, jagan permitted to gather strength, Ap state bifurcation bill

    Jagan Permitted to Gather Strength 19 November 2013

    The CBI Special Court that has denied blanket permission to the President of YSR Congress party YS Jagan to tour India allowed him to visit Kolkata and Lucknow on specific request from him.  Jagan sought the permission from CBI Court...

    Keywords: YSR Congress party YS Jagan President YS Jagan, UPA Government, AP State bifurcation Bill, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamta Benarjee

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    YS Jagan met Akhilesh Yadav, Jagan Gets Akhilesh Yadav's Support, jagan gets akhilesh yadav s support, Ap state bifurcation bill

    Jagan Gets Akhilesh Yadav's Support 07 December 2013

    YSR Congress party President YS Jagan met the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Akhilesh Yadav on Friday and could get his support in stopping the state bifurcation bill called "Andhra Pradesh Reorganizational Bill 2013". Akhilesh Yadav assured Jagan that he...

    Keywords: YSR Congress party President YS Jagan, YS Jagan met Akhilesh Yadav, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jaya Lalitha, Andhra Pradesh Reorganizational Bill 2013

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