Ata convention

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  • NATA, NATA, huston gets ready for 1st nata convention in big way, Ata convention

    Huston gets ready for 1st NATA convention in big way 15 May 2012

    The North American Telugu Association’s first convention is scheduled to take place on June 29, 30 and July 1 at Houston of Texas. The show, which is expected to be a spectacular one, will aim at bringing all Telugus in...

    Keywords: first convention, first convention, George R. Brown Convention Centre, first convention

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    ATA, American Telugu Association, taman to be a special attraction at ata s 12th convention, Ata convention

    Taman to be a special attraction at ATA's 12th Convention 08 June 2012

    American Telugu Association (ATA) is all set to host the 12th ATA Convention and Youth Conference from July 6 to July 8 at Atlanta. ATA has invited all Telugu people living in the United States to take part in the...

    Keywords: ATA, 12th ATA Convention and Youth Conference, 12th ATA Convention and Youth Conference, 12th ATA Convention and Youth Conference

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    Tags: NATA's 1st convention, food at NATA convention, countdown starts for nata s 1st convention, Ata convention

    Countdown starts for NATA's 1st convention! 29 June 2012

    Countdown has begun for one of the most prestigeous programmes by Telugus in North America. The first ever grand ceremony by North American Telugu Association (NATA) will start in sometime from now. NATA's first convention brings all Telugus from various...

    Keywords: food at NATA convention, food at NATA convention, food at NATA convention, food at NATA convention

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    12th ATA Convention and Youth Conference, ATA convention, ata convention to reflect telugu culture, Ata convention

    ATA convention to reflect Telugu culture 16 June 2012

    American Telugu Association (ATA) is going to host 12th ATA Convention and Youth Conference from July 6 to July 8 at Atlanta. Several prominent film personalities are going to take part in ATAs Convention and Youth Conference this year. Addressing...

    Keywords: 12th ATA Convention and Youth Conference, 12th ATA Convention and Youth Conference, American Telugu Association, American Telugu Association

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    NATA, Taman at NATA convention, nata s 1st convention round the corner, Ata convention

    NATA's 1st convention round the corner 27 June 2012

    The newly formed  North American Telugu Association (NATA) is all set to celebrate its first convention amidst a gathering of talent, intellect and personality. Several Indians in the United States are going to gather under one tent  at the grand...

    Keywords: ATA, NATA, ATA, Balakrishna at NATA convention

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    flouride problem, flouride problem, dil raju is a man with a big dil, Ata convention

    Dil Raju is a man with a big dil 10 July 2012

    Dil Raju, the producer, is supposedly a man with a big dil (heart). Rechristined as Dil Raju after the hit of his debut film Dil, Raju has never turned back in his ten-year-long production career. He not only maintains good...

    Keywords: flouride problem, Dil Raju, flouride problem, Nalgonda

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    state set for nata convention, political field, stage set for nata convention, Ata convention

    Stage set for NATA convention 11 June 2012

    The newly formed North American Telugu Association (NATA) is all set to celebrate its first anniversary this month. Stage has been set for the grand celebration of the event wherein nearly eight thousand Telugu people in America are going to...

    Keywords: state set for nata convention, North American Telugu Association, North American Telugu Association, state set for nata convention

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    American Telugu Association, American Telugu Association, ata s 12th convention gets underway, Ata convention

    ATA's 12th convention gets underway 07 July 2012

    The American Telugu Association's (ATA's) 12th annual convention has begun on a grand note today at Atlanta. Several prominent personalities from different walks of life are going to take part in the three-day meeting. Former cricketer and MP Azharuddin, actress...

    Keywords: Atlanta, American Telugu Association, American Telugu Association, Taralu Digivachina Vela

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