Australian opens

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  • Sania Mirza, US Open, sania somdev dishearten tennis fans back home, Australian opens

    Sania, Somdev dishearten tennis fans back home 17 January 2013

    As mercury rises in Melbourne, Indian fans hopes diminished in the Australian Opens 2013 Tennis Championships. The last hopes of India Sania Mirza and Somdev crashed in different matches on Wednesday. However on Thursday (January 17) mercury reached as high...

    Keywords: US Open, disheartened Indian fans at Oz opens Indian hopes vanish at Oz opens, Oz opens, Somdev dishearten tennis fans back home

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    Elena Vesnina, Sania Mirza, oz opens indo russian pair breeze into semis, Australian opens

    Oz opens: Indo-Russian pair breeze into semis 25 January 2012

    The Indo- Russian pair of champions surprised the tennis fans at Melbourne when they zip past their American counterparts in the women’s doubles. In the Australian opens at Melbourne on Tuesday, there was a surprise hauled at the Indian fans....

    Keywords: Australian opens, Mahesh Bhupathi, Lisa Raymond, Lisa Raymond

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