Ballad singer

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  • ballad singer, Gaddar, gaddar resigns as chairman of telangana praja front, Ballad singer

    Gaddar resigns as chairman of Telangana Praja Front 12 May 2012

    Ballad singer, Gaddar has resigned for the chairman post of Telangana Praja Front. Briefing the media on his resignation, Gaddar has said that he had sent across his resignation on April 19 itself and it was accepted on April 21....

    Keywords: Telangana Praja Front, resigns, Telangana Praja Front, resigns

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    Gaddar, debate in parliament, gaddars pitches his voice in support of muslim reservations, Ballad singer

    Gaddars pitches his voice in support of Muslim reservations 23 June 2012

    Noted ballad singer, Gaddar has demanded the Centre to allow a debate on Muslim reservation issue in the Parliament. Gaddar has called upon all the political parties in the state to give their clear stand on Muslim reservation issue. Gaddar...

    Keywords: Gaddar, Gaddar, Muslism reservations, ballad singer Gaddar

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