Bangalore police commissioner

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  • Bangalore Police Commissioner Raghavendra H Auradkar, Bangalore ATM Incident, more than 1000 atms closed at bangalore, Bangalore police commissioner

    More than 1000 ATMs Closed at Bangalore 25 November 2013

    As per the orders from the Bangalore Police Commissioner over 1000 ATMs are closed at Bangalore today which are not having round the clock security guards as one of the security arrangements that are made compulsory. In spite of the...

    Keywords: Bangalore ATM Incident, Bangalore ATM Incident, Bangalore ATM Incident, Bangalore ATM Incident

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    shot dead, Bangalore, a 17 year old girl shot dead in bengaluru, Bangalore police commissioner

    A 17-year old Girl shot dead in Bengaluru 01 April 2015

    A 17-year-old girl was shot dead and her friend injured by a college office assistant in South East Bengaluru on Tuesday when she was on her way to college.Gauthami, a student of Pragathi School and PU College was declared dead...

    Keywords: South East Bengaluru, shot dead, Bangalore Police Commissioner, MN Reddi

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