Blood sugar

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  • Maintain blood sugar level to prevent risk of heart attacks, Controlled blood sugar levels protects diabetics’ hearts, controlled blood sugar levels protects diabetics hearts, Blood sugar

    Controlled blood sugar levels protects diabetics’ hearts 05 June 2015

    Type 2 diabetic patients can reduce the risk of a heart attack, stroke, heart failure by keeping blood sugar levels under good control for many years. But the researchers also suggest that this condition is achieved only if low blood...

    Keywords: Controlled blood sugar levels protects diabetics’ hearts, heart attack risks prevented by maintaining blood sugar levels, heart attack risk for Type II diabetes patients, heart attack risk for Type II diabetes patients

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    Blood sugar levels, starch vegetables - blood sugar, vegetables that spike your blood sugar, Blood sugar

    Vegetables That Spike Your Blood Sugar 13 September 2023

    Vegetables That Spike Your Blood Sugar:- Consuming vegetables has numerous benefits, but certain veggies will spike your blood sugar levels. So people suffering from diabetes need to control eating a few vegetables that are mentioned below to maintain their blood...

    Keywords: Raw Banana for Sugar patients, ground vegetables, ground vegetables, starch vegetables - blood sugar

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    benefits of exercise for diabetic patients, benefits of exercise for diabetic patients, exercise can help control blood sugar level, Blood sugar

    Exercise can help control blood sugar level 18 June 2015

    Exercise has many health benefits. According to a research conducted by the UT Southwestern Medical Center, researchers found that waist circumference, percentage of body fat and hemoglobin A1c levels improved in diabetic participants who exercised compared to those who did...

    Keywords: how exercise benefits diabetic patients, benefits of exercise, Exercise can help control blood sugar level, benefits of exercise

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    Blood sugar tips, Blood sugar tips, health tips to keep blood sugar normal, Blood sugar

    Health Tips to keep Blood Sugar normal 23 April 2022

    Health tips to keep Blood sugar normal:- Diabetes will have an impact on the blood sugar levels and it can impact all the vital organs of the body if left unattended. Type 1 Diabetes is autoimmune and Type 2 is...

    Keywords: Blood sugar control, Diabetes tips, Blood sugar control, Diabetes food

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    diabetes, The World Health Organisation, dabbawallas getting in line for a diabetic check up, Blood sugar

    Dabbawallas getting in line for a diabetic check-up.... 19 March 2013

    Dabbawallas  suffering from diabetic foot disease... YS Ghule is no nutritionist, but if he looks displeased upon your diet, take serious note of it. Moreover, the chairman of the Mumbai Jewan Dabba Vahtuk Mandal is among the 5,000 dabbawallas in...

    Keywords: Diaped Foot Clinic, The World Health Organisation, diabetic foot disease, blood sugar

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    blood sugar, diabetes, control diabetes by following these steps, Blood sugar

    Control diabetes by following these steps 15 May 2012

    Diabetes is one of the dangerous diseases that can cost your dearly if you don’t take proper care. And when you take good care, you need not worry about this disease at all.  The experts said that simple health steps...

    Keywords: diabetes, blood pressure, checks, checks

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    Blood sugar levels, Blood sugar levels, hi tech overnight lenses that tests blood sugars and give eye drops also, Blood sugar

    Hi-tech overnight lenses that tests blood sugars and give eye drops also 01 July 2015

    Scientists are now trying to come up with a new range of hi tech contact lenses that can do more than just help you see. This “more” includes stopping your eyesight getting worse checking your blood sugar levels, and even...

    Keywords: Blood sugar levels, Overnight lenses, eye drops, eye drops

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