• electronic gadgets, negative marking, doctor s effort to use gadgets in pgct misfires, Bluetooth

    Doctor’s effort to use gadgets in PGCT misfires 30 January 2012

    Despite an elaborate process of biometric identification and a ban on electronic gadgets inside the exam hall, a student from Hyderabad, who studied MBBS at KIMS, managed to sneak in his mobile phone and a spy pen into the exam...

    Keywords: Hyderabad, CCTV, Google, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences

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    SMS aloud, Ford Features, ford launches smart car to read incoming sms aloud, Bluetooth

    Ford launches smart car to read incoming SMS aloud 19 October 2011

    The Ford is all set to introduce an update to Ford Sync retrofits the infotainment platform with the Bluetooth Message Access Profile (MAP), which enables some smartphones to stream and read text messages out loud to to the driver. On...

    Keywords: FordSync, SMS aloud, Bluetooth Message Access Profile, FordSync

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    bluetooth, science, hop future suitcase tracked by bluetooth, Bluetooth

    Hop, future suitcase tracked by bluetooth 06 October 2012

    Sometimes inventions lead the user to utmost laziness. Imagine you walk down your office and you don't have the burden of carrying your luggage around. Sounds great is it not, well I am afraid we are going to have multiple...

    Keywords: science and technology, science, technology management, information technology

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