• Breathable caffeine, Aeroshot, breathable caffeine a controversial hit in us, Caffeine

    Breathable caffeine a controversial hit in US 02 March 2012

    Authorities to review if "Aeroshot" caffeine inhalers qualify as diet supplements. A new product on sale in the United States allows people to harness the effects of caffeine without drinking coffee or taking pills. Breathable Product, as the company is...

    Keywords: Dietary supplements, Breathable Product, Breathable Product, Breathable Product

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    Energy drinks impact on health, Energy drinks impact on health, energy drinks may harm hearts of adolescents, Caffeine

    Energy drinks may harm hearts of adolescents 02 April 2015

    Energy drinks consumption has been increased nowadays, most particularly among adolescents (aged 10-19 years) and young adults. The research has proved that it shows negative impact on cardiac health according to the study conducted by an international research team led...

    Keywords: caffeine concentration in energy drink, energy drinks affect on heart, energy drinks benefits, Energy drinks

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    caffeine benefits for men, caffeine benefits for men, coffee drinking helps in preventing erectile dysfunction, Caffeine

    Coffee drinking helps in preventing erectile dysfunction 22 May 2015

    Drinking two or three cups a coffee can help in boosting your romantic life, interesting research has found. The researchers from the University of Texas, men who drink two to three cups of coffee a day are less likely to...

    Keywords: erectile dysfunction treated with caffeine, caffeine benefits for men, Coffee drinking helps in preventing erectile dysfunction, erectile dysfunction treatment

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    more caffeine may harm your health, 4 cups of coffee is good for health, excess amount of coffee could damage your health, Caffeine

    Excess amount of coffee could damage your health 29 May 2015

    Coffee has many health benefits. But consuming more amount of caffeine may damage your health, according to a new study.The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) said single doses of up to 200mg of caffeine from a range of sources such...

    Keywords: coffee disadvantages, coffee disadvantages, 5 cups of coffee can damage your health, limit drinking coffee

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    Vegetables, Eating, good nutrition for women of all ages, Caffeine

    Good nutrition for women of all ages 20 August 2011

    Good nutrition starts with the basics: a well-rounded diet consisting of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and lean sources of protein. These kinds of foods provide women with plenty of energy, the means for lifelong weight control,...

    Keywords: Vegetables, women allages, Caffeine, Energy

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