Cancer gene database

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  • largest cancer gene database, chemotherapy, world s largest cancer gene database open up for public, Cancer gene database

    World's Largest cancer gene database open up for public 16 July 2013

    NCI mentioned in a statement on Monday, National Cancer Institute (NCI) scientists have released the largest-ever database of cancer-related genetic variations making available to researchers the most extensive way so far to figure out how to target treatments for the...

    Keywords: dr yves pommier, cloud computing, largest cancer gene database, development of new drugs

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    national institutes of health, Cancer gene database, cancer gene database released for all, Cancer gene database

    Cancer gene database released for all 17 July 2013

    NCI mentioned in a statement on Monday, National Cancer Institute (NCI) scientists have released the largest-ever database of cancer-related genetic variations making available to researchers the most extensive way so far to figure out how to target treatments for the...

    Keywords: chemotherapy, largest cancer gene database, national institutes of health, world's largest cancer gene database open up for public

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