• risk of cancers with hepatitis c increased, Cancers risk increased in Hepatitis c infected patients, hepatitis c increases risk of cancer, Cancers

    Hepatitis C increases risk of cancer 27 April 2015

    According to a new study it was revealed that people infected with Hepatitis C virus (HCV) may be at increased risk of various forms of cancers. The survey has revealed that the cancer rates in patients with the hepatitis C...

    Keywords: increased risk of cancers, increased risk of cancers, increased risk of cancers, hepatitis c associated with cancers

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    Honey Bees Can Detect Cancer Soon, Honey Bees Can Detect Cancer Soon, honey bees can detect cancer soon, Cancers

    Honey Bees Can Detect Cancer Soon 25 November 2013

    Trained honey bees can be used to detect cancer at its early stages in humans, according to researchers. UK-based Inscentinel, the firm specializing in insect research, in a new research suggested that honey bees, if trained, would be able to...

    Keywords: cancer, early-stage cancers, Honey Bees Can Detect Cancer Soon, Inscentinel

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    how to reduce cervical cancers, How to treat oral cancers, turmeric fights against oral and cervical cancers, Cancers

    Turmeric fights against oral and cervical cancers 25 April 2015

    Turmeric is one of the wonderful ingredient that has many beneficial values. It is not only used for its amazing flavour, but used mainly for its various health benefits. Scientists now have found one more reason to include turmeric in your...

    Keywords: how to reduce cervical cancers, turmeric can cure oral and cervical cancers, turmeric can cure oral and cervical cancers, How to treat oral cancers

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    kids blood cancers linked to father age, blood cancers risk in kids, age of father linked to blood cancer risk in kids, Cancers

    Age of father linked to blood cancer risk in kids 13 May 2015

    Recent study has proved that father’s age at the time of child birth is linked to develop blood and immune system cancers as an adult, particularly for single kids. The study, which appears in the American Journal of Epidemiology, found...

    Keywords: fathers age linked to kids blood cancer, Father’s age is child’s blood cancer risk factor, blood cancer risk factor, blood cancers risk in kids

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    aspirin as cancer preventive medicine, aspirin in cancer treatment, aspirin can save you from some cancers study says, Cancers

    Aspirin can save you from some cancers, study says 18 April 2015

    According to a national survey conducted in US, it was revealed that more than 50% of adults in the US are taking a daily dose of aspirin as a preventive medicine of cardiovascular event, though FDA does not recommend it...

    Keywords: aspirin prevents bowel cancer, aspirin as cancer preventive medicine, aspirin benefits, aspirin in cancer treatment

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    Asthma can be avoided, Breast feeding, breast feeding helps baby stay immune guards mother from cancer and bp, Cancers

    Breast feeding helps baby stay immune, guards mother from cancer and BP 27 December 2011

    Current Department of Health guidelines urge all mothers to breastfeed their children exclusively for the first six months of life, if they are able to. Breastfeeding a baby has a number of long-lasting benefits not only for the baby but...

    Keywords: Advantages for Mothers, Well behaved children, BP can be avoided, BP can be avoided

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    Cancer Which Affects Women, Types Of Cancers, the top 5 cancers that affect women, Cancers

    The Top 5 Cancers That Affect Women 11 July 2017

    The Top 5 Cancers That Affect Women:- The diagnosis of cancer can often be linked directly to your family medical history, your lifestyle choices, and your environment. You cannot control your family medical history, and only some aspects of your...

    Keywords: Types Of Cancers, Cancers That Affect Women, Women Affecting Cancers, Cancers That Affect Women

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    : vaginal cancers are linked to decreased sexual function, : vaginal cancers are linked to decreased sexual function, vaginal cancer can decrease sexual activity study revealed, Cancers

    Vaginal cancer can decrease sexual activity, study revealed 02 June 2015

    According to the study presented at the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) led by an Indian-origin scientist, annual meeting in Chicago recently it was revealed that women who are diagnosed with gynaecologic cancers may experience reduced sexual activity after...

    Keywords: sex is affected with vaginal cancer treatment, sexual activity is related to gynaecological cancers, gynaecological cancers linked to sexual dysfunction, : vaginal cancers are linked to decreased sexual function

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    Purple potatoes consumption can limit the spread of cancer, ways to avoid colon cancer risk, purple potatoes can prevent the spread of colon cancer, Cancers

    Purple potatoes can prevent the spread of colon cancer 28 August 2015

    A new study performed by the researchers from Pennsylvania State University has revealed that baked purple potatoes contain compounds that might destroy colon cancer stem cells and limit the spread of cancer. To prove this, the scientists tested the effect...

    Keywords: ways to avoid colon cancer risk, how to treat colon cancer, Purple potatoes help kill colon cancer, ways to avoid colon cancer risk

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    tips to avoid bowel cancer, tips to avoid bowel cancer, nut consumption reduces risk of bowel cancer in women, Cancers

    Nut consumption reduces risk of bowel cancer in women 08 May 2015

    Cancer attacks are common nowadays. Many scientists have found ways to prevent the attack of different types of cancers by the food we take. Recently the study from European Journal of Clinical Nutrition has revealed the ways to prevent the...

    Keywords: nuts benefits women health, ways to avoid bowel cancer, benefits of nuts for women, ways to avoid bowel cancer

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    breast and prostate cancers number in women, women cancers are increasing, breast cancer cases rocketed in last two decades, Cancers

    Breast cancer cases rocketed in last two decades 29 May 2015

    Breast cancer and prostate cancer cases have been globally increased from past two decades. An international consortium of researchers led by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington analysed 28 cancer groups in 188 countries....

    Keywords: treatment for breast cancers, breast cancers in women, 2 decade results of breast and prostate cancers, breast cancers in women

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    how to treat ovarian cancers, Blood pressure drugs linked to ovarian cancer treatment, beta blockers can extend lives of ovarian cancer patients finds study, Cancers

    Beta blockers can extend lives of ovarian cancer patients, finds study 25 August 2015

    A new study revealed that taking beta blockers could extend the lives of women with ovarian cancer by up to four years. Beta blockers pills are commonly taken to help people deal with stress, lower blood pressure and manage heart...

    Keywords: Blood pressure drugs linked to ovarian cancer treatment, new way to treat ovarian cancers, Blood pressure drugs linked to ovarian cancer treatment, how to treat ovarian cancers

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    obesity, obesity, an interview on cancer dr k mukherjee, Cancers

    An interview on Cancer - Dr. K. Mukherjee 26 June 2013

    Dr. K. Mukherjee D.M.S.DO.MMT EDT ( Calcutta ). Ex-Mo-CNWO. Homoeopathic Physician Not all tumors are cancerous Cancer known medically as a malignant neoplasm accompanied by widely diffused group of various diseases, all involving unregulated cell growth. In cancer, cells divide...

    Keywords: microscopic examination, bloodstream, lymphatic system, risk of developing cancer

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