Chadalavada krishnamurthy

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  • Chiranjeevi’s resignation from assembly, Chiru’s wife Surekha, chadalavada krishnamurthy to take on chiru s wife surekha, Chadalavada krishnamurthy

    Chadalavada Krishnamurthy to take on Chiru’s wife Surekha? 22 March 2012

    Will the by poll for the Tirupati assembly seat witness a battle between senior TDP leader Mr Chadalavada Krishna Murthy and mega star Chiranjeevi’s wife Surekha? The answer seems to be a firm ‘yes’ if one goes by the hearsay....

    Keywords: Chadalavada Krishnamurthy, Chiranjeevi’s resignation from assembly, Surekha, Chiranjeevi’s resignation from assembly

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