Charity organization

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  • Think Peace, Charity Organization, sai dharam tej turns brand ambassador for charity organization, Charity organization

    Sai Dharam Tej Turns Brand Ambassador For Charity Organization 16 October 2017

    Sai Dharam Tej Turns Brand Ambassador For Charity Organization:- It is believed by many business people that the brand ambassador’s play an important role in promoting their product. So, that is why they often run behind the actors who have...

    Keywords: Sai Dharam Tej, Charity Organization, Think Peace, NGO

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    Prince Mahesh, Samantha, samantha to create dookudu among mahesh fans, Charity organization

    Samantha to create dookudu among Mahesh fans 21 August 2013

    Mahesh Babu fans, get ready for great news. Samantha has managed to find more celebrity clothing items for her auction. Mahesh's clothes from Dookudu will soon be up for grabs. Proceeds from the auction will go towards the Prathyusha charity...

    Keywords: Samantha gets Dookudu clothes for auction, Samantha auction items, Samantha donations for auction, Samantha

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    actress Samantha, Samantha auctioning clothes, samantha s clothes up for grabs, Charity organization

    Samantha's clothes up for grabs 08 August 2013

    Actress Samantha has a soft but strong heart beneath the cute exterior. She is auctioning her clothes to raise money for a charity that supports women and children. Not just hers, Sam even hinted at auctioning the clothes of fellow...

    Keywords: actress Samantha, Samantha's tweets, Prathyusha charity organization., Samantha auctioning clothes

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